Thursday, 30 April 2015

Best Friends Forever (BFFs)

They say some friends are more than a brother, I don’t know how, but maybe because they stand with you through thick and thin.

I know not many are like me. I can possibly count the number of friends I have. One, maybe three at most. Hehe, please don’t be amused or judgmental because I know amongst you, there are some with maybe even none. So am doing well *hides*.

Well, it’s not that I don’t appreciate friendships, on the contrary. I love friends, reason being you have someone to give you a shoulder to lean on when you need it and also someone to celebrate your success with. It’s very important for a human being to share their feelings else you might suffocate.

Anyhow, main reason why I’ve chosen to have such few friends is because majority are seasonal, not real, such backstabbers and social climbers! I wonder what happened to genuine friendships like the ones I see my parents enjoy. They have a very close bond with their friends and they invest in each other. Today things have changed. Either someone will hang in there because they need a favor from you, your parents, your boyfie…list is endless. God forbid! 

I can’t deal with the thought of having someone in my life who doesn’t give a hoot about me. Am glad am able to detect you from a far and belch you instantaneously. Though there are some who manage to sneak in undetected like rainwater through the windowpane. 
It’s soo wrong for anyone to think that they can live on someone’s hustle. Go out there and get your own, let’s put that together and come up with a gigantic idea to help our generations to follow.

If you are sociable like me, means you can make as many friends in a short span. Depends with how much crap you can take in. It means therefore that you are able to keep many of them. Please beware of the conniving kind that just sulk and make you their source of solace or their cash cow whereas when you need them they are nowhere to be seen. You don’t wanna carry someone’s burden and still carry your own.

The very good friends do not need to work so hard to prove their loyalty, you blend in soo easily. Keep those ones and bless them every day. They aren’t easy to find.

#chroniclespieceofadvice: Beware of ratchety friends and thank God for the genuine ones you have.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Emotional Roller Coaster

I speak to you, and maybe you!!!

I don’t intend to be a bi**h but I gotta say something that has been in my mind or has crossed my thoughts countless times.
Now, someone explain to me like a one year old why a fully grown, self reliant, self-sufficient man would want to come to my house for whatever reason first time after meeting. What happened to the dating field? 

Current situation is, we meet.
#day1. Get acquainted with each other.
#day2. Simultaneous texts and calls.
#day3. Dude wants to come visit. My house for that matter… damn!!!

Am I wrong to assume that some ladies actually allow these men to come visit their homes even before a week is done after #day1.

I will be doomed to allow this kind of bull crap!
What is your expectation: being alone with a man not your brother or father: emotions get out of hand and one thing leads to the other and unfortunately you unwillingly or willingly graduate into a one night stander. Tsst! Opps, aint laughing at anyone but jeez you called for it. Deal with the emotional roller coaster there after.

#week2 of meeting. Calls go unanswered

#day2ofweek2. Pwahahaha dude has blocked your calls. Having sent insurmountable texts, crying foul, dude doesn’t give a rat’s ass, opps!! sorry again, he already hit his jackpot and moved on to the next easy prey. 

Unfortunately you have no idea what his second name is nor do you know his house number. Sister, move on, nigger will unblock you maybe never. Spit that saliva and learn from that. If not, you will hunt for this nigger in this damned city for the rest of your life. Reason being he changed his hangout joint, maybe his number.

#chroniclesdiary: Be in control of your emotions, if you can’t avoid being in closed doors with your new catch. Let him prove his worth and let him not come to your house.

“Sure I eat my feelings, but I save the emotional roller coaster for dessert” 

 Image result for emotional roller coaster relationship quotes


Monday, 20 April 2015

A Typicle Day!

Tuesday, 21st April, 2015.

My thoughts are together. I don't know if anything about this post is gonna relate to you in whatsoever way.

5.15AM: ALARM BUZZ, Yawn!!! I only wish this night could extend a little longer just to continue my disgruntled sleep.  But naah!! The traffic jam is in my mind. I cant stand sitting in traffic hours on. I prefer getting to the office early and planning mY diary for the day.

6.00AM: Like the typical Nairobi girl I am, time is of essence. One minute difference makes everything go haywire or smooth. That I can only leave to God to tell. Matatu hustle, blaring horns, the already contaminated air, we don't have a choice but to breath it all in. some times you can get some pleasantly nice touts, other times you wish to alight and make a different choice but who tells you the other one will be pleasant enough. Girl up!!

8.00AM: Like every other human being, am seated pleasantly on my desk, doesn't matter what time I got in the office, no one really cares as long as your work is done. so yeah, deal the day.

5.00PM: ENROUTE, another hustle, trying to get home n get some sanity. Sometimes a walk to town from office is inevitable, other times am lucky enough to get a matatu, I smile because this is on a really good day. The city of DRAGONS, again, to deal with the matatus. Now its even worse considering they have been up to their daily annoying routine, police run-ins, passengers not paying, the usual loud music that makes them so irritable.. But hey, we gotta get home. Blocking all that gibberish considering your day hasn't been any better is the only option. Sit, buckle-up n lets move.

Many are the nights dinner is an option. Tea and some fruits do because even the energy to go fight with the dishes is nowhere. But oh well, the hustle is real!!

I cant wait to get to bed and forget all the mellow drama. God save this Typical Nairobi Girl!!!