Good morning ME!!!
Ahhh! Am just a happy human being…
I realized I love smiling, laughing and
What I have not explored in the longest time is
the dating scenes. Am in some social group in one of the leading social media
platforms and one of the members asked that each lady declare their relations
status and to my shock most were single
and maybe pretending or actually happy. That is when it hit me that people are embracing
the non-committal kind of relations other than the old time serious relationships.
It is just unfortunate for people like me who thrive in serious relationships.
Dating has totally changed and it’s become
complex. You don’t know who is genuine. We just sort of do try and error. You
meet someone and you think that you have met the prince charming just to realize
he is a dush bag just like the other one. It frustrating...
Few conversations down the line you realize
dude or chiq has a baby or is in a relationship that apparently is on the
rocks. You bleed a little. But what to do? The strong and mighty pursue on with
the imagination that you can change serikali… wooi! Unless the ‘datwer’ (allow
me to murder English a little) is really into you, they always convince
themselves that better the devil they know than the angel they don’t.
You take chances with your life and your heart
in search of happiness. Anyway, how else will you ever meet your prince
charming if not through trying to date? You kiss as many frogs as you can… I don’t
know who came up with this weird theorem.
Why has it become soo hard for people to be
honest? Date one person at a time. The desire to have your cake and eat it is
thriving. Even ladies are keeping up with the trend but I think they have
learnt the art from the best teacher, their male counterparts. As a lady, we
were wired to be very honest, faithful and home builders. The day you realize
that your gal is having an affair, trust you me you have pushed her to that
corner. It’s not outta wish but the heartache you project them to is hideous.
The days of honesty and trustworthiness are
long gone. It’s murky and messy. But am sure there are the minority few who are
enjoying their relationships. We look up to you. We pray to God to bless us to
meet the niice few gentlemen who are left in this planet and for the gentlemen to
meet their princesses too.
Take your time before committing in a
relationship. Learn the little you can because anyway most pretend within the first
days of meeting. Commit your relationship to God.
For those in a relationship that’s working,
hold on and protect it with prayer.
For those in a murky relationship, I believe in
self-love. Learn to love and appreciate yourself first then you will realize that
you are worth more than the crap you take in each day from an undeserving
#Chroniclesadvise: Pray and believe God is in
control, He shall answer your prayers at the right time because I believe
everyone deserves happiness. ##peace!!