Sunday, 6 December 2015

A step, a stride:

I have to confess that whenever something crops up in my mind and I think it’s worth sharing, I jolt it down. I wouldn’t want to lose a great idea. You know, ideas crop from soo many places. So many things could trigger your thought. Today I remembered baby pink, our shopping basket.
It’s like 40 minutes to lunch and I am itching to write this. 

So every day while on the streets walking to wherever, I notice that no matter how fast I walk someone has to pita me. I try to hasten my steps but still someone manages to overtake me. And you know what bites, it's the ease with which they do it. Have you ever experienced this? 

Once upon a time I used to be crazy on the road. I would see someone try overtaking me and I would accelerate despite the type of car I was using. I once drove a Toyota Duet, baby pink. You know it’s a pretty small car and in our household we used to call it a shopping basket. It was pink with cute blue seats. A boot the size of a ngumi and a forehead to die for. I loved it because it could penetrate even the tiniest parking slots. Our miss pink, we miss you. 

Now on this good sunny day, I picked miss pink since I wanted to run a few errands here and there. Our love was immeasurable. She knew that when am on the wheel she had to cooperate. Hehe. I was coming from Kajiado County headed to Galleria. You know how people with big engines or the matatus look down on you if you are driving a turtle. They blare those honks to I think sort of scare you off the road. You know how you shu shu a cat or a calf when you want them outta your way…. Wooi I can’t even believe I used that example but it’s sort of true. So baby pink has no tint by choice. They could clearly see it’s a lady driver and they put their best foot forward to either harass her or wink at her. Damn!!! So baby pink and I decided to show them dust. Sisi haoo and then, for those of you who know where Multimedia University is, on that damn hill, baby pink refused to move at a speed I needed her to. I pressed the accelerator but wapi, kakaanza kubreath as if it had been chocked by a hot potato from timau… haha. I got a pink face like my pink panther that day. My nephew told me that it literary shikad its waist and feigned fatigue. That boy!!!

Is olrait, I relaxed, allowed all those harassers overtake me honking soo loudly that the monkeys on that road almost demanded for haki yao from NEMA. Nikajiambia enyewe ‘asiyekubali kushindwa sio mshindani’. I placed my arm on the window with an expression of ‘mtadoo’. Of course I knew what they would do, wataniovertake namadharau. For once I wished baby pink had tint. Then I would have rolled em’ vioos up and giggled sheepishly. My tales with baby pink will never end. I always smile every time I remember our rendezvous.

What am I saying? You realize in this life that we cannot move at the same pace. We begin at the same spot, birth, but we cannot run the race at the same speed. Don’t fight too hard to be like so and so. Be your own man. Fight your own battles at your own favourable pace. You know what kills most of us, its envy, desire, and jealousy. Just because your college mate got an exemplary good job and his or her life seems to be full of glitter and glamour doesn’t mean you should also have the same. God has different plans for all of us and therefore if you work too hard to be like so and so you will die a very sad individual.  

#chroniclesadvise: be content with what God has blessed you with. 

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” Oprah Winfrey

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